Sunday, February 6, 2011

Marriage prep..not wedding prep

found these shoes from blog
500 days of summer inspiration shoot =)
wedding oviatt penthouse
wedding shoes fun socks for groom

...well maybe a little wedding day prep which I'll mention later..I'm a little delayed but last weekend we went for our pre Canna aka marriage prep ...I was actually a really good experience and I already see some changes from the both of us that have improved the way we interact with each other..its little changes but still significant..I also love hearing older people's love stories and how their relationship persevered thru many of the speaking couples spoke about how he used to send his wife these cute LOVE IS... cartoon strips whenever he saw it in the newspapers when he was away for duty in the armed forces..such a cute couple...I loved hearing about their story..

As far as wedding prep..February is going to start getting busy again with planning and prep...
I still need to find a florist and transportation for the day...we just order our Save the Dates from finalizing the guestlist ..and on Sunday we start to look at wedding bands and I actually ended up finding a wedding band in one day..which is pretty shocking since I'm soo indecisive...I love it either way ..a little vintage yet classic looking...
and last week my wedding shoes that I ordered on them and the cute box that it came in.. :P

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